AQ Therapeutics MAPS Kit


A New Approach To Small Volume Fat Grafting

MAPS allows any physician to harvest, filter, resize, and transfer up to 50cc of adipose with the ability to obtain three different types of adipose tissue grafts sizes in less than an hour.

The MAPS Kit is a single-use, sterile, component-based system intended for harvesting, cleaning, and resizing of adipose tissue. It provides the ability to harvest and transfer milli, micro and micro-fragmented fat (mFAT) tissue back into the patient during a same day in-office procedure.

  • The kit includes an infiltration cannula that is 2.0mm in diameter, 15cm long with a spiral array.
  • The harvest cannula is only 2.5mm in diameter, 15cm long with a unique 1.2mm aperture and 20-hole, 4-sided array.
  • Custom harvest cannula that is laser cut and coated specifically designed to yield viable millifat (1.2mm).
  • Specially designed hubs for greater reliability and support.

Collecting fat has never been easier using our custom harvester with our specially designed syringe that allows the control of the negative pressure for greater viability.

Transform Millifat into Micro or mFAT with all-in-one Patented Micronizer

MAPS patented tissue micronizer creates microfat or mFAT effectively—without wasting or damaging the adipose tissue.

Filter What’s Important

Two proprietary 33mm diameter milli/micro fat filters that allows the removal of tumescent waste; while the adipose tissue remains safely in the syringe.

Protect And Transfer Your Aspirate

Two female luer to luer transfers and caps for your convenience.

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